You can find this Located along Highway 160 after the 345 mile marker, 20 miles east of Tuba City, Arizona. The Elephant’s Feet are pair a giant mountain sandstone pillars that stand out along the side of the road.
These feet step out of the lands of the Navajo Nation. They have a proud history, probably you heard of them for Navajo code talkers during WW2.
Experts clam during the Jurassic period sometime between 180 and 140 million years ago was formed. The dark reddish color of the Sandstones comes mainly from the mineral hematite that’s an iron oxide, and a principal ore of iron.
This type of Sandstone is found in Wyoming, Colorado, northwest New Mexico, northeast Arizona and southeast Utah.
In the background you are hearing traditional Navajo music. They place a great deal of importance on the value of voice in the music.
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This video shows my dealings with Interstate power Systems mobile service out of Sioux Falls, SD. As I wanted to get a leaking spring air brake chamber replaced on a 2016 KW.
I’m extremely disappointed in a company this size for not being able to put truck vin in their computer to tell what parts are needed to do the job. Even more for charging for not doing any work to truck and, doing it to multiple people in the same day, not good. So 1 out of 5 stars might be too many stars for mobile service. They might have better shop but I’m not going to find out.
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Power Plant has a long history on the Island it started under the United States Army. With hired civilians, and military prisoners started on building a complex that housed the power plant, laundry, and four shops. The smokestack would stand 91 feet high next to the complex.
As August roles around brick work in the Power plant is in progress. Reinforced concrete has been completed in the Shops.
September The brick work at the Power plant is work in progress. The roof on the Shops is water-proofed, the millwork, and hardware are in place, the plumbing roughing-in has been completed, and the laying of the cement floors is well underway.
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